Before Calling the Asphalt Paving Contractor: A Guide to Asphalt Stain Removal

When you think of the kind of work asphalt paving contractors do, you might imagine repairing cracks, filling in potholes and replacing gravel. But there’s another problem to fix that you’ve probably seen before: stains, whether black tar or greasy rainbows, show up sometimes on an otherwise beautiful road.

Luckily for business owners, removing stains is a relatively easy job that doesn’t necessarily require calling in the asphalt paving contractor. Look into these tips to guarantee a beautiful parking lot or road that exemplifies the professionalism and regard to detail your business strives for.

What Causes Asphalt Stains?

  • Excess leaves and mulch can cause dark spots to form during the autumn months.
  • Crushed leaves and grass leave behind stains.
  • Oil spilled from vehicles or during an oil change form those colorful rainbow effects you commonly see on car shop parking lots.

Basic Asphalt Stain Removal Tips

First, use a pressure washer or even a hose to wash away any debris. This step is essential no matter what style of stain removal you will be conducting.

Next, grab any standard cleaner, such as soap, vinegar, or dishwashing fluid. Using a heavy brush, scrub the cleaner into the road, rinse, and repeat until the stain is removed from view.

Oil Stain Removal

If the stain is caused by an oil spill, cleaning it may prove a bigger challenge. In this case, start by absorbing as much of the spill as possible through cat litter or gravel. Leave the material on overnight if possible.

Then, spray away the material and the affected area. Apply a cleaning solution to remove the stain.

Mulch Stain Removal

Granted, mulch stains fade out with time, but for quick cleaning, follow these steps:

  • Lightly rinse but avoid power washing that might push the stain deeper into the asphalt.
  • Using a sponge, scrub in soap or vinegar into the affected area.
  • Use a low-pressure rinse.
  • If the stain persists, use a capful of bleach mixed with a gallon of water in place of the soap or vinegar. Let it sit for half an hour before washing it away.

Melrose Paving | Asphalt Paving Contractor | Toronto & the GTA, Mississauga, Hamilton

You might not need an asphalt paving contractor to clean stains, but for those cracks and potholes that inevitably show up after years of use, get in touch with Melrose Paving if your parking lot or road project is located in the Toronto, Hamilton, or Mississauga area.

When it becomes winter time, the snowfall and freezing temperatures will make road work nearly impossible, so take the opportunity this season to get your repairs done right. Melrose has had over 35 years of experience providing the industry with top-end service that guarantees solid quality, price, and time.

But don’t just take our word for it. We work closely with our clients and project managers to ensure a cost-effective and tailored solution every time. Talk to one of our previous customers for reference if you’d like.

  • In addition to cracks, crevices, and potholes, stains are a threat to the quality and appearance of your business’s parking lot. Dealing with them is just as important as the occasional visit from the asphalt paving contractor.
  • Start by removing leaves, twigs, and other debris from the affected area. Rinse with a hose or pressure washer and use household cleaners like soap or dishwashing liquid to clean out the stain.
  • Melrose Paving is your business’s best option for a concrete or asphalt paving contractor. And since we own our equipment, you can expect our knowledgeable staff to get your project sorted out the way you want us to.